nucleus.validate.scenario_test_evaluation ============= .. py:module:: nucleus.validate.scenario_test_evaluation .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Data types for Scenario Test Evaluation results. .. autoapisummary:: nucleus.validate.scenario_test_evaluation.ScenarioTestEvaluation nucleus.validate.scenario_test_evaluation.ScenarioTestEvaluationStatus nucleus.validate.scenario_test_evaluation.ScenarioTestItemEvaluation .. py:class:: ScenarioTestEvaluation The results and attributes of an evaluation of a scenario test. .. attribute:: id The ID of this scenario test evaluation. :type: str .. attribute:: scenario_test_id The ID of the associated scenario test. :type: str .. attribute:: eval_function_id The ID of the associated evaluation function. :type: str .. attribute:: model_id The ID of the associated model. :type: str .. attribute:: status The status of the evaluation job. :type: str .. attribute:: result The float result of the evaluation. :type: Optional[float] .. attribute:: passed Whether the scenario test was passed. :type: bool .. attribute:: item_evals The individual results for each dataset item. :type: List[ScenarioTestItemEvaluation] .. attribute:: connection The connection to the Nucleus API. :type: Connection .. py:class:: ScenarioTestEvaluationStatus The Job status of scenario test evaluation. .. py:method:: name() The name of the Enum member. .. py:method:: value() The value of the Enum member. .. py:class:: ScenarioTestItemEvaluation Dataset item-level results of an evaluation of a scenario test. Note that this class is immutable. .. attribute:: evaluation_id The ID of the associated scenario test evaluation :type: str .. attribute:: scenario_test_id The ID of the associated scenario test. :type: str .. attribute:: eval_function_id The ID of the associated evaluation function. :type: str .. attribute:: dataset_item_id The ID of the dataset item of this evaluation. :type: str .. attribute:: result The numerical result of the evaluation on this item. :type: Optional[float] .. attribute:: passed Whether the result was sufficient to pass the test for this item. :type: bool